Leonardo Lees

Junior Developer

I make things.

About Me

I have been writing code for just over five years. In that time I have worked with a variety of different languages and tools.

I am a Canadian-American Developer. Born and raised in Scottsdale, Arizona, currently living in Halifax, Nova Scotia!


I am a quick learner and I employ a strong problem solving mindset to my work. I am always eager to learn new skills and strive to improve upon the skills I already have.

Noteworthy Projects

OBJ-RENDERER Standalone .Obj Renderer

Standalone Object Renderer written in C++ using just under 1700 lines.


Phishing firmware written for the ESP32 in C/C++. Hosts a Wi-Fi Access Point, displaying a captive portal upon logging in.


Written in Java using Swing for GUI and BCrypt for password hashing.


If you need to get ahold of me, feel free to shoot me an email at contact@leonardolees.com!